
Louis Miller 20-10-2023
Louis Miller

See_also: 一种(节俭的)干酪布替代品

你认为做炒鸡蛋需要一个有涂层的 "不粘锅 "吗?


用你信得过的铸铁平底锅做出完美、不粘的炒鸡蛋是完全可能的。 今天我就来教你怎么做。


我以前有很多廉价的不粘锅,经常使用,但当我意识到涂层中的化学物质对健康的危害时,我立即放弃了我的收藏。 (那些平底锅往往用不了多长时间--至少对我来说不是这样。我总是很擅长抓平底锅....)



(需要增加您的铸铁锅具收藏吗? 留意旧货市场(我在那里发现了很多!),或者亚马逊也有不错的选择。


  • 不要吝啬脂肪。 (我相信健康、天然脂肪的益处,所以,如果你正在寻找一种 "无脂肪 "的炒蛋方法,我不会给你答案......抱歉。)
  • 使用健康脂肪,如牛油、猪油、椰子油或黄油。
  • 确保平底锅是热的。
  • 先让鸡蛋煮 20-30 秒钟,然后再搅拌。
  • 如果担心粘连,可使用边缘较薄的抹刀。 (我的拼写检查程序说这不是一个词,我宣布它是一个词)。
  • 虽然我的铸铁平底锅上有一层像样的 "调味料",但并不出众。 所以,不要以为你必须有完美的平底锅才能完成这个任务。

See_also: 20 种香薰精油配方

告诉你吧,如果早餐后水槽里没有一盘焦黄的鸡蛋等着你,炒鸡蛋的味道会好很多。 这就是事实。

点击此处收听 Old Fashioned On Purpose 播客第 50 集,了解关于铸铁的 5 个最令人讨厌的误解。

Louis Miller

Jeremy Cruz is a passionate blogger and avid home decorator hailing from the picturesque countryside of New England. With a strong affinity for rustic charm, Jeremy's blog serves as a haven for those who dream of bringing the serenity of farm life into their homes. His love for collecting jugs, especially those cherished by skilled stonemasons like Louis Miller, is evident through his captivating posts that effortlessly blend craftsmanship and farmhouse aesthetics. Jeremy's deep appreciation for the simple yet profound beauty found in nature and the handmade is reflected in his unique writing style. Through his blog, he aspires to inspire readers to create their own sanctuaries, brimming with farm animals and carefully curated collections, that evoke a sense of tranquility and nostalgia. With every post, Jeremy aims to unleash the potential within each home, transforming ordinary spaces into extraordinary retreats that celebrate the beauty of the past while embracing the comforts of the present.