
Louis Miller 20-10-2023
Louis Miller


不过,现在我的厨房变成了真正的食品工作室,我发现自己需要各种 "奇怪 "的东西。


如果你走进普通商店询问奶酪布,店员会挠挠头,然后很可能会让你去五金部,在那里他们会指给你一个可怜的、像纱布一样的借口。 别被诱惑,它不起作用 它的 "布料 "很薄,孔也太大了,并不是为厨房使用而设计的。

另一种方法是找一家高端厨房用品商店,因为他们有时会出售这种产品。 (但不是 Bed, Bath, and Beyond。)

, 我的解决方案是什么?



不,不是那些。 我说的是老式的、布制的那种。

See_also: 成为养蜂人:开始养蜂的 8 个步骤

你知道的,那种便宜货,用在宝宝身上就会漏得一塌糊涂? 它们做的尿布很糟糕,但用在起司布上就再好不过了!


(你可以在亚马逊上买到 10 包,价格约为 14 美元。)


让我再说一遍: 不要,我重复一遍,不要在宝宝和奶酪上交替使用这些东西 .


幸运的是,我在 Prairie Baby 上使用的是高科技版本的浸布器(顺便说一下,请期待以后的文章!),所以我不必担心任何混淆。

也许有一天我会从 Cultures for Health 订购一些真正的、正式的奶酪布,但现在,我对我的尿布很满意!

See_also: 樱桃果冻食谱

刚用完尿布? 试试这些替代品吧!

  • 布料
  • 一个干净的枕套
  • 一尘不染
  • 一条茶巾

您在厨房里用过起司布吗? 您用的是 "真的 "起司布,还是有创意的替代品?


Louis Miller

Jeremy Cruz is a passionate blogger and avid home decorator hailing from the picturesque countryside of New England. With a strong affinity for rustic charm, Jeremy's blog serves as a haven for those who dream of bringing the serenity of farm life into their homes. His love for collecting jugs, especially those cherished by skilled stonemasons like Louis Miller, is evident through his captivating posts that effortlessly blend craftsmanship and farmhouse aesthetics. Jeremy's deep appreciation for the simple yet profound beauty found in nature and the handmade is reflected in his unique writing style. Through his blog, he aspires to inspire readers to create their own sanctuaries, brimming with farm animals and carefully curated collections, that evoke a sense of tranquility and nostalgia. With every post, Jeremy aims to unleash the potential within each home, transforming ordinary spaces into extraordinary retreats that celebrate the beauty of the past while embracing the comforts of the present.