
Louis Miller 20-10-2023
Louis Miller


能给我一句 "阿门 "吗?

See_also: 如何在家装瓶昆布茶

今年我在花园里收获的南瓜很少 (只有三个小家伙......)、 不过幸好我的冰箱里还有些去年的南瓜泥。


看到 Pinterest 和 Facebook 上铺天盖地的南瓜食谱,我个人非常激动。 我已经准备好缩进我舒适的小厨房,认真地烘焙一番了。

大多数南瓜食谱都需要用到南瓜派香料,这只是一些基本香料的即用型混合物。 网上有无数种不同的做法,但大多数都需要肉桂、肉豆蔻、丁香和/或生姜的组合。

See_also: 您必须冷藏鸡蛋吗?

有时,我喜欢从当地健康食品店的香草区拿起一小袋派香料 (那里比普通杂货店便宜多了)。 不过,如果你像我一样住在离商店很远的地方,那么最好还是有一个备份,或者,你可能只是想把这个南瓜饼香料配方混合起来,以备不时之需!




  • 4 汤匙肉桂粉
  • 4 茶匙肉豆蔻粉
  • 3 茶匙姜末
  • 3 茶匙丁香粉
  • 1 茶匙五香粉(可选)
烹饪模式 防止屏幕变暗


  1. 将所有香料混合在一起,放入密封容器中保存(梅森罐或类似容器效果很好)



查看我的商铺,这里有我最喜欢的厨房、家庭和 DIY 工具。

Louis Miller

Jeremy Cruz is a passionate blogger and avid home decorator hailing from the picturesque countryside of New England. With a strong affinity for rustic charm, Jeremy's blog serves as a haven for those who dream of bringing the serenity of farm life into their homes. His love for collecting jugs, especially those cherished by skilled stonemasons like Louis Miller, is evident through his captivating posts that effortlessly blend craftsmanship and farmhouse aesthetics. Jeremy's deep appreciation for the simple yet profound beauty found in nature and the handmade is reflected in his unique writing style. Through his blog, he aspires to inspire readers to create their own sanctuaries, brimming with farm animals and carefully curated collections, that evoke a sense of tranquility and nostalgia. With every post, Jeremy aims to unleash the potential within each home, transforming ordinary spaces into extraordinary retreats that celebrate the beauty of the past while embracing the comforts of the present.